Plan miasta Boubas

Boubas - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Baguettes with Poolish | Bread cetera

I tried ?steaming? with a pan of hot water below the baguettes and covering them with another hotel pan ? trying to replicate your steaming method. I ended up flipping the baguettes over upside down to try to even out the browning. .... I use something similar to this, but mine is from Anis Boubasa who is a french baker known for his baguette in paris. You can check his baguette recipe out at my site and a step by step instruction on how to bake the baguette. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Burkina newsletter #6

Bouba is 15 and lives next door. Souleyman (Muslim version of Solomon) is 21 and lives around the corner. They are both Muslims from Muslim families. God has given me the opportunity and ability (despite my weak French skills) to ...
źródło: BlogSearch

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źródło: BlogSearch
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